For the love

May I be so bold as to call my moment last night an epiphany?  Luckily no one is here to oppose so I will :)  I have lost all of my motivation to write.  Rewriting is hard.  It's not as much of a whole new world unfolding as making variations on a world that I have already come to love.  That means I'm losing aspects of my world and putting in new aspects and I started to not even recognize my world anymore.  I was trying to please everyone that would ever read my book and forgot about me.  I know that sounds selfish but this whole process started in order to tell a story but mostly because I love to write.  And I had forgotten that.  I was too encompassed by the need to find an agent and get published and although that would be nice, that is not my main goal.  I want to write an excellent story.  So I'm on my way back to do what I love :)  Wish me luck!!