Thankful Friday

Why is it that the human way is to dwell on the negative?  I only have two possible things in my life right now that aren't going perfectly as planned...and what do I dwell on??  That's right, those two things.  No wonder why we are taught to count our blessings.  It is the only way to stay sane ;)  So I know that Thankful Thursday is a pretty normal thing but I hear from the online writing community that Friday can be a pretty tough day, so I am going to counteract that with Thankful Friday ;)
I am thankful that I have had no rejections today...yet ;)
I am thankful that I have a wonderful, supportive husband and healthy baby boy.  Well not really a baby anymore.
I am thankful for my supportive family and friends.
I am thankful for the internet that has facilitated for me to get to know people in the same writing predicament that I am in.
I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for the power of prayer.

What are you thankful for...