This new path

The funny thing about querying is some agents don't get to their long list of emails for awhile. Because of that you'll still be receiving rejections and requests many moons later.
Now a request many moons later when you still have your ms out with other agents and are on the New York path, fan-freakin-tastic! A request many moons later when you've decided to self-publish and you have to write to tell said amazing agent that? Difficult and somewhat gut wreching.
As dedicated as I am in this new venture of self-publishing, I had no idea I'd have to say no thank you to agents I read about and admire. Oh writing this causes another punch to my gut but I know I'm doing the right thing.
I am beyond excited to indie pub and as hard as different aspects of this process might be, including writing not so happy emails to great people, I can and will do it. I may not ever get to the level that a New York agent and publisher could take me to, but I've come to terms with that. I'm on my own road, in my own time and in my own way.
And I'll blog all along the way :)

Until Next Time,